Come back
8:09 PM | Author: Mohd Rosli B. Mohd Nordin

Salam to all,

Agak lama jgk aku x update blog ni.Ingat nk ‘shutdown’ dah sb xdak idea nk tulis apa.kalau setakat copy paste bleh ja go on tapi malula if selalu sangat.So what is my decision?hm I think I should proceed with this blog.aku teringat satu hadith nabi saw yang bermaksud orang(muslim) yang terbaik ialah orang yang paling banyak bagi manfaat dekat orang lain.

Tersentuh jugak aku dengan hadith ni,sapa xmau jadi orang yang terbaik yang dikatakan nabi kita after doing some muhasabah aku tertanya2 apa yang aku tengah or dah buat untuk Islam?apa yang aku buat supaya orang boleh faham Islam dengan lebih jelas?Apa sumbangan aku sebagai orang yang faham serba sikit pasai Islam dekat member2 aku yang kebanyakkannya orang2 yang x berapa faham/ menghayati Islam?

Hm…susah jgk nk jawab 2…so aku rasa melalui blog nila aku boleh share serba sikit apa yang aku dapat melalui buku2 yang aku baca, usrah, kuliah2 yang aku p dan lain2 insyaallah. Soryla aku terlambat sedar yang Islam 2 bukan untuk sorang2 ja tapi untuk dishare dengan semua.Harap Allah bagi aku kekuatan untuk istiqamah dalam usaha yang kecik ni.

Salam Ma'al Hijrah to all,Harap tahun baru ni hidup kita lebih bermakna insyaallah
Stay Sharp
6:20 PM | Author: Mohd Rosli B. Mohd Nordin

Once upon a time a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant, and he got it. The pay was really good and so were the work conditions. For that reason,the woodcutter was determined to do his best.

His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to work. The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.

"Congratulations," the boss said. "Go on that way!" Very motivated for the boss' words, the woodcutter try harder the next day,but he only could bring 15 trees. The third day he try even harder, but he only could bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.

"I must be losing my strength", the woodcutter thought. He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.

"When was the last time you sharpened your axe?" the boss asked. "Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees."

Dear friends, our lives are like that. We always get so busy that we don't take time to sharpen the axe." In today's world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but less happy than ever. Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay sharp?

There's nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But God doesn't want us to get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like taking time to pray, read,play and 'lepak2' with our friends etc.

If we don't take time to sharpen the axe, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness. So start today. Think about the ways by which we could do our job more effectively and add a lot of value to it.

The story was taking from

Ramadan is leaving...
9:17 PM | Author: Mohd Rosli B. Mohd Nordin
Salam to all,long time no see ya.haha...first of all i want to say thanks to my friends who have encouraged and supported me morally to keep on updating this blog.may Allah bless you all:-)...Ok this time i want to share with all of you about this blessing i don't know whether you aware or not that Ramadhan is leaving is 27 of Ramadhan already so we have about 2 days what are the most recommendded activities at this time being?
Rasulullah pbuh had encouraged us to make a lot of doa' ,iktikaf in the mosque,reading Quran and give sedekah(donation) especially in this last 10 days...hopefully we will apply these things not in this remaining days of Ramadhan but in our daily life and remain steadfast...
i thinks that all for this time.wishing all of you Selamat Hari Raya...:-)
i'm free!!!
1:39 AM | Author: Mohd Rosli B. Mohd Nordin

finally...can't wait to 'see' UIA,all my friends there,miss football and laksa Greenwood so much...yesterday was my last day doing industrial training at Control EZ Technology in Sri Kembangan, Cheras...overall i feel that study time is more enjoyable than working.perhaps...:-)

hmm regarding my industrial training, i had learnt lot of things such as the control system(controller), electrical and electronics parts.i was assigned by my manager to help his engineer to complete the company projects such as upgrading the Pallettic Machine at MFI(Malaysia France Institute),install panel controller at UKM(National University),do programming for radiation detector at MINT(Malaysia Institute of Nuclear Technology,do PLC(programmable logic controller) demonstration at STRIDE(science technology research institute for defence) etc...

bare in mine that it's not easy to be an engineer.we need to have a very2 strong basic about engineering courses related, be a good decision maker,have self confident and patient all the time, good at PR(public relation) skill also a value added in order to be a good engineer...

hm lots of things need to be considered after this, final year project, assignments, quizzes ,exams etc...

Engineer to be...Rosli
Misconceptions about ‘Jihad’
7:56 PM | Author: Mohd Rosli B. Mohd Nordin

Dear friends and visitors,

Here I want to share with you about a very famous word or term for those who always care about the Islamic world and the ‘Islamophobia’ phenomenon in the western world specifically which is ‘JIHAD’. A lot of people had been misunderstood or maybe has used (manipulate) the term ‘Jihad’ to spread the ‘propaganda’ or the bad image of Islam throughout this world…

Jihad is almost always wrongly translated as "Holy War." The Arabic word Jihad actually means "to struggle" or "to exert one's utmost."

In the context of the Quran, Jihad means the struggle for good against all evil. This struggle also includes the suppression of the lower self in order to reach a state of higher God-consciousness that leads to a pure soul.

Jihad can take place in many forms, including speaking out against injustice or spending your wealth in the cause of public good, such as alleviating poverty. Jihad does also include armed struggle, which at times becomes necessary in order to protect the weak and to establish freedom of religion. (Jihad in the context of armed struggle is known as Qital.)

Critics of the Quran love to quote passages such as (9:5) of the Quran, which calls for taking up arms against those who assign partners with God. Most often, these critics fail to recognize the context of such passages. Cutting and pasting verses out of their context to lend credence to an argument clouds the more important overall picture.

All verses in the Quran that deal with armed struggle advocate the use of force only for self-defense in the widest sense possible, such as freeing the oppressed and establishing the freedom of worship.

The Scripture clearly says that fighting in the path of God does not include converting people by the sword. The Quran emphatically declares, "Let there be no compulsion in religion" (2:256).

All legitimate scholars recognize this essential ethic as one that Muslims must abide by, even during times of war.

i hope this can give you some ideas about what Jihad really means in Islamic perspective...

football,books and me
9:12 PM | Author: Mohd Rosli B. Mohd Nordin
Salam and hello to all,

This time i will write a little bit about my personal life. something that i think good to share with you all...

i'm really fanatic about's my passion... sometimes i feel that my life will be nothing if i don't play football/futsal. i think people around me know me from the football game. i got a lot of friends...what is in football game that we can take any lesson?'s all about WORKING TOGETHER...we will never win any game if there is NO COOPERATION between the players!...the thing also apply in whatever we do in our daily,works etc...we cannot live this life alone...we will always need somebody's help in our befriend with everybody and if God will your life will be easier...:-)


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. [1] Proclaim! (or Read!) In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created, [2] Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: [3] Proclaim! and thy Lord is Most Bountiful, [4] He Who taught (the use of) the Pen, [5] Taught man that which he knew not.

These were the verses from the holy Quran that mention about the importance of reading...i have read a lot of books recently which had given me a very significant impact on the way i think,my mindsetting about something etc...which makes me become more mature in thinking.maybe:-)
some books that i had read:
-Sirah Nabawiyah

-7 habits of highly effective people
-unlimited power
-why i embrace Islam
-life is an open secret
-tasawwuf moden
-cinta di rumah Hassan Al-Banna
-ayat2 cinta
and many more...

Dear friends and visitors,i just want to 'invite' all of you to use your free time to read something that can enhance yourselves,your daily life,your family,friends and your country and religion in a bigger will never ever regret!trust me...

Arsenal fanatic fan and a bookworm...;-)

muslims o muslims...
8:05 PM | Author: Mohd Rosli B. Mohd Nordin
Salam and hello to all,

Dear friends and visitors, i felt really upset with what is going on in the muslim's world nowadays.Muslims all over the world are facing a lot of problems such as poverty and hunger in Darfur, inhumanly treat in Gaza by the Zionist, in south Thailand and Mindanao muslims are fighting to survive in their own land and the most crucial problem is the disunity among the muslims groups and countries such as what have happened in Iraq whereas muslims shi'ah are fighting with the sunnah muslims although the shi'ah muslim cannot be considered as muslims but this things had no beneficial input at all to the muslim community(ummah).
The mass media also make things worse by displaying the muslims as the 'problem-maker' to the whole turmoils, violence,terrorism and other problems that happened in our world today.This had created a bad image of Islam to the people all over the world...
As a muslim i feel that i am responsible to make things clearer especially to the non-muslims, ignorance peoples etc and i hope all of you which had declared yourself as muslim to come with me to reach them out to convey the beautiful messages of Islam or in other word to do da'wah by using whatever medium that you are able to use it.The best and easiest way for me in doing this is by portraying the best practice or behaviour of a 'true muslim' in our daily life but bare in mind that we had 'been assigned' to spread the teaching of Islam to all the humankind only and the guidance or hidaya is from our God which is ONE God...

The Koran emphatically declares, "Let there be NO COMPULSION in religion" (2:256).

Before i stop, lets keep in our mind that the work of conveying the messages of Islam will never be accomplished till we see the sun rise in the west...
Became a blogger?
7:06 PM | Author: Mohd Rosli B. Mohd Nordin

Salam and hello to all...

Yes definitely!...why i choose to be a part of the blogger community?...what i can say that this is a kind of trying something new in my life.A part from that, i will use this blog as a place to share some of the Islamic messages,my opinions or personal views on recent news and maybe a little bit about my personal feeling about anything that i think suitable to SHARE with you all as some people had said SHARING IS CARING...

Finally,i hope all of you feel free to visit this blog and have some comment to improve it...;-)